Where can I get Bearing Fault Frequencies for American Roller Bearing products?

An explanation of Bearing Fault Frequency can be found on our Engineering page. You can request Vibration Fault Frequencies for a specific product by contacting our Sales Department.

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Where can I learn more about bearing repair and reconditioning?

Our Bearing Repair and Reconditioning Program can be reviewed on our Services page under American Reconditioning Program. You can download our Reconditioning Program brochure there too.

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Where do I find shaft and housing fits for standard American Roller Bearing products?

Fits for our standard bearings can be found on our Engineering page under Internal Clearances and Fitting Practices.

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What types of thrust bearings does American offer?

Please visit our Thrust Bearing  product page for a description of standard thrust bearings we manufacture.

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Where can I find more information on Static and Dynamic Load rating for American Roller Bearings?

Please refer to our Engineering page under Bearing Selection for an explanation of Static and Dynamic load capacity.

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Where can I purchase American Roller Bearing products?

Please contact our Sales Department for help in finding a distributor in your area.

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